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· What is St.Mark’s CRC? · Aims & objectives · Who’s who · Constitution ·
Who’s who
CRC has a governing Council of up to 15 people, including the officers. The vicar of St. Mark’s Broomhill is an ex officio member of the Council and is eligible to be an officer. The officers for the year 05/06 are :
Jane Padget, Chairperson
Helen Fisher, Vice Chairperson
Adrian Alker, Secretary
Robin Saunders, Treasurer

Other Council members include:
Robert Beard
Jennifer Bradley (librarian)
Gill Donmall Hicks
John Vaughan
Pauline Miller
Tanya Ralph
Anne Padget
David Thorpe
Anne Wood
Our patrons are the Revd. Dr. John Vincent, a former President of the Methodist Conference and formerly Director of the Urban Theology Unit in Sheffield and Professor Marcus Borg, Hundere Distinguished Professor of Theology and Culture at Oregon State University.